Moe Hay Ko Vs. Nan Dar Hlaing - Who's the hottest here?

Hot Myanmar likes to present the beauty of Myanmar girls as to be proud. Myanmar girls are beautiful and gorgeous. Check out famous professional Myanmar actress Nan Dar Hlaing vs. hot and popular model and actress Moe Hay Ko. Nan Dar Hlaing would be more elder talking about the age.Despite the age and length of career, we just check who's the hottest here in these pictures. In reality,everybody is beautiful in their own way. So what do you think?

Nan Dar Hlaing
Moe Hay Ko
Moe Hay Ko
Nan Dar Hlaing

Nad Dar Hlaing
Moe Hay Ko
Nand Dar Hlaing
Moe Hay Ko
Moe Hay Ko
Nand Dar Hlaing
Moe Hay Ko
Nand Dar Hlaing
Moe Hay Ko
Nan Dar Hlaing